Friday, July 31, 2009

Minions Check-in

Howdy minions!

Simply drop a comment line to let me know you've made it. Also, throw in any comments or stories about what your daily dose has done for you.

It will be August 10th, 2009 before I begin to post the Dose here, but please, feel free to tell anyone and everyone you know that we have arrived. All are welcome and encouraged to participate!


  1. Awww yeah! SCORE! Now we get to find out just who's sick, dirty, demented minds (other than my own) add to the daily dose stories etc!

  2. FYI...I love the dose so much that I signed up twice!!!!

  3. I'm here! I'm here! It took me awhile, but I finally made it. Looks great!

  4. All present and accounted for in Lubbock Tx.

  5. Even though I know Jed to be a perverted, sick, twisted, sociopath.....hell I want to play too!!!
