Thursday, September 24, 2009

Coffee Terrorist - Memory lapse...

I needed brain fuel this mornin', so I stopped by to see Talib. I enjoy taunting him a little too much, maybe. Well he fought back today via my own stupidity.

I head back to the cooler for a Monster Java and said, "How's the coffee Talib?" "Ooh, very good n fresh sir." So, I put the can back and went for the hot stuff. I'll be damned if it wasn't the worst in our long history... The hell was I thinkin? I know he's just been waiting for me to slip. Perfecting his deadly recipe in hope I would return. I may actually die from the one or two drinks I choked down. Goodbye cruel world...


  1. you'd think you'd know better by now..
    are you coming to the west/mexia game? supposed to go, but not sure if i will or not..hard to drag my ass out of the house.

  2. You should pay him with anthrax-coated bills, or something of the like.
