Wednesday, September 9, 2009

POV #2: Get outta my bubble!

Anyone else have that person at work, in your extended family, or down the friend line that feels they must invade your space, inorder for you to pay attention...? I find it's always the one person you'd just assume not converse with anyway...

The one that hasn't had a decent bath since he fell in the creek bed back in Nam.

The hillbilly deluxe with yellow teeth that you can't stop staring at the tabacco chunk spackling.

The creepy little short woman that you can't help but picture her turning orange, and bobbing up and down while singing, "oompa, loompa, do-pu-di-do"...

The overly animated crack junkie that if she makes one more judo chop motion toward you, you're gonna see if her skinny ass fits in the paper shredder!

The two drunk buddies that get ya, one on each shoulder, and begin to talk, not to you, but thru you to the other one...


  1. we have this odd lady here who is the serial shitter. she runs marathons nonstop and is constantly in the bathroom taking a dump at work. today she walks into my office just to look out my window at the rain. wtf? no knock, no convo...just walks in.

  2. i just tell them to get the fuck away from me..
    it really works

  3. Im pretty sure ive been guilty of being one of the drunk buddies. but in my defense i was drunk. lol
