Monday, August 10, 2009

Get involved in what matters!

Earlier I'm watching this interview with a PETA spokeswoman. They had asked her thoughts on the specialty foods made with "young/baby animals" like veil and lamb. She said it was like the of slaughtering of her own three children and selling them off to canibals.

I've a whole host of problems with people like this, but just for this one dumbass:

1. No one shoulda let you reproduce, much less three times.

2. I bet you she eats baby carrots without blinking. They've got growing left to do and have the same lack of a soul and same IQ as my "steak on the hoof".

3. I think anyone that dumb should be made "Operation Homeland Housecleaning". Send them overseas and just march them shoulder to shoulder across Iraq, Iran, wherever we all are, and play human shield for our troops that would kill for a can of SPAM!

Moral of the story: Get active in something that matters!

Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. I have always thought them folks at PETA were a bit over-the-top but comparing your kids to supper is just plain goofy.
    If the folks at PETA would focus their efforts on real cases of animal abuse, instead of silly crap, the rest of us wouldn't marginalize them so quickly.
    No doubt dog-fighting is wrong and something we can all agree shouldn't be happening, but leave me the hell alone about being a carnivore. The two are NOT inter-related.

    stupid liberals!!!!
